While going through a huge stack of old family pictures recently, I found a pic of me (much younger) and my old 67' sometime around 1993 or 94 . Man I rode the crap out of that thing, it was my college commuter (splitting lanes in stopped Bay Area traffic)! It was such a great bike, everything had been gone through, and worked bitchin'. Lately, I have been wishing that I still had this bike, partly from reading the posts from Troy @ chicomoto and the fun he's having with his new 67. I think it's time to pin down another generator shovel, although I would go a bit different direction today, but not by much...
Great bike Dave. I hope you get another one, maybe at Mike's show. I am in need of a front end at a good price for my Hot Rod project. I am trying to have this built before Santa Maria. Let me know of any leads.