This guy that I know in town is taking this 57' first year Sporty down to Long Beach this weekend for the motorcycle swap. It's been in storage for many years, and he is taking it to sell for the owner. It has the look of a true biker special from the 70's-80's. Personally I'm not a huge fan of this bike, but there are some great pieces on it, that I would love to have. The tank is very cool, it needs to be narrowed a bit, but the shape and the way it sits on the frame, look very cool to me. The other very neat part is the ignition (key) magneto, I belive this to be a very rare mag. Don't get me wrong, this is the coolest of the ironheads. But for my money (and the owner wants quite a bit) I prefer this model totaly stock, and dressed out, like the famous Elvis picture bike.

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