Friday, July 30, 2010

Make fun if you must...

Went to the fair last night and caught Weezer. Not expecting to much, I soon realized that I had not given them enough credit. These guy's put on a great show! Not only did they have a strong command of the stage, but they are very good musicians. Most all of their songs have a metal drive, from the guitars to the double bass drums, mixed with a melodic overtone. They did a spot on cover of a MGMT song, as well as lead into songs with Van Halen's hot for teacher intro. Very bitchin' and at one point the entire band had Templeton Feed and Grain hats on. So make fun if you must, but I had a great time...


  1. Make fun? Pinkerton and the Blue album are up in my top albums. Where you been? I haven't see you since Born Free.
